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Škoda trams celebrate their 25th birthday

Even after 140 years of existence, electric trams are still very popular all over the world and demand for them is increasing due to the trend towards green technologies.

Volker Rail News

Transpennine Route Upgrade’s first electric wires now in place to power greener journeys

The TRU East Alliance of Network Rail, VolkerRail, J. Murphy and Sons, Siemens and Systra, has now installed 37 miles of overhead wire and nine miles of earth wires, along a six mile four-track stretch of line on the East Coast Main Line, as part of the multi-billion-pound Transpennine Route Upgrade.

VR Group News

VR FleetCare supplied City Transport Ltd with a tunnel cleaning wagon

As the number of kilometres in the metro tunnel has increased fourfold, Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd has invested in more efficient maintenance equipment. Sustainability was the starting point for the procurement of the new tunnel cleaning wagon; it is environmentally friendly as it is built on top of a recycled frame and it uses only biodegradable and ecological washing agents. The new tunnel cleaning wagon was supplied to City Transport Ltd by VR FleetCare.

Siemens News

Siemens Mobility and VIA Rail Canada: Transforming the Future of Canadian Rail

For 175 years Siemens Mobility has been transforming the everyday, delivering reliable and proven technology across the globe. That expertise comes from extensive testing to ensure only the best product, testing our technology today to prepare it for the challenges of tomorrow. We’re tough on our trains because we are passionate about their performance. That’s why we’re proud to provide trainsets for VIA Rail Canada that will modernize Canada’s national passenger rail service.

Knorr Bremse News

The application of a magnetic track brake from Knorr-Bremse

Magnetic track brakes are independent of the rail-wheel-contact and thus lead to shorter braking distances. They are only used for certain braking applications such as instance rapid braking or emergency braking.


HITACHI RAIL: Introducing the Hybrid Regional ‘Blues’ Train

Thanks to its ability to travel with diesel engines, with a pantograph on electrified lines and with batteries, the Blues hybrid train allows a 50% reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions compared to current diesel trains.

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